Monday, July 5, 2010


History gives a huge credit for the Great Depression to President Herbert Hoover. People would wear their empty pockets inside-out as "Hoover Flags." People built crude, poor homes and called their communities "Hoovervilles." Here are some pictures from a news article comparing upcoming "Obamavilles" to "Hoovervilles." These photos come to you from the University of California at Berkley. Now as you look at these pictures try to imagine yourself living in those times.

1 comment:

  1. And - here we go again. Our 'new' dark age for America. These days, maybe they can use discarded shipping containers. Ironic eh.. since shipping containers represent millions of.. 'lost' jobs. Ah.. lost isn't even close. 'Lost' being the euphemism for those people thrown to the street.. so AB&C (all the way through XYZ) companies, greedy for ever more profit, dumped millions of Americans onto the streets.


Oh, you've been there too?