My last trip to New Orleans I wanted to stay somewhere I've never been before. I usually stay at the Dauphine Orleans but the price for that was too much. I found the Ursuline Guest House for roughly $100 a night and in the French Quarter. This used to be a residence more than a century ago and my side of the hotel were the former slave quarters. This made my decision to spend three nights here. The first couple of hours I have to say I wasn't impressed. I even began to regret my decision. When I first arrived I was disheartened to discover they didn't have their own parking lot. Anyone familiar with the French Quarter knows that it's easier to arm wrestle an upset gorilla than to find a parking space. I had to park a block away and carry my luggage to the guest house. Fortunately the attendant there, Chris took my bags and checked me in. He showed me to my room and gave me a map of the nearby parking lots. I took my car three blocks away which further unnerved me. I don't like leaving my car not knowing if it's secure or not (fortunately my car sat there for three days and it was just fine). I went back to the room and looked around. It was the size of a college dorm room which for me is just fine. The bed was cozy and comfy. The shower is a bit small though and for people like me who are 6'01 it requires a lot of bending when washing hair. Plus if you're part of a couple who likes to shower together it will be a cramped fit but then again you may like that. A good treat they provide every evening around 5pm is free wine. I'm not talking the gas station brand either. It's a decent brand and the glasses are generous. A half glass of that and sitting in the courtyard (where they have a hot tub mind you) already makes the trip to New Orleans worth it. The first evening there was a friendly group from Florida staying the weekend. A glass of wine makes for pleasant conversation.
The next evening at the free wine seating I met another group of travellers from North Carolina. It was a group of ladies ranging in age. The oldest was a sweet woman with a British accent and the youngest a very lovely brunette who wore short skirts and spoke of the guys who made feeble attempts to draw her attention the night before. After they left the Englishwoman and I had a pleasant chat about life, divorce, and looking ahead. I'll never forget that woman.
The guest house was a pleasant surprise. The amenities aren't that much. There is a kitchen with coffee and snacks available however it's in the Quarter you can find more fulfilling sustenance a short walk away. I also learned there has been some haunting activity reported on the premises. I first learned of it from the Florida troupe when a woman said that a housekeeper reported she hated cleaning a particular room (mine by amazing coincidence) because it made her feel uneasy and afraid. I talked to Chris about it who told me that the activity was reported on the opposite side of the courtyard from me. One incident involved a TV that would turn itself on and off. In another incident a woman exited the shower and discovered the dresser drawer had been laid out on the floor! She was staying by herself. I didn't have any strange experiences myself other than waking up feeling heavy the first two mornings. All in all I'm adding this place along with the Dauphine Orleans as one of my usual New Orleans stays.